Huhu sayu :')
Semua orang bila ingat mak ayah dia, dia akan jadi sedar. Ingat ibu yang mengandung, ayah yang membesarkan, hati mesti jadi terusik. Tak ada seorang anak yang sanggup untuk mengabaikan impian besar ibunya. Jadi, bila nak study ni, ingatlah emak ayah. Ingat pengorbanan mereka masa kecil-kecil. Percayalah, semangat korang tak akan luntur bila jiwa mereka sentiasa bersama korang.
Study for Allah's Dean List . Insyaallah :)
When I read a blog about, "Belajar kerana Allah S.W.T", I feel a hard punch right into my heart. I feel at loss. Such a loss for me to study all this while without correcting my intention of studying. All this time, I've been chasing good grades. I shed tears when I fail, I give up when I feel stress, and I complain whenever I did not get the result that I wanted even though I have put soo much effort. I fail to look at the bright side of my failure. I fail to realize that even though I have failed, at least I have increased my knowledge. I fail to see the good things that I would receive in the life hereafter if I have more faith in Him.
“Bahawa sesungguhnya setiap amalan itu bergantung kepada niat, dan bahawa sesungguhnya bagi setiap orang apa yang dia niatkan. Barangsiapa yang hijrahnya menuju kepada Allah dan RasulNya, maka hijrahnya kepada Allah dan RasulNya. Barangsiapa yang hijrahnya kerana dunia yang dia mahu mencari habuannya, atau kerana seorang perempuan yang dia mahu kahwininya, maka hijrahnya ke arah perkara yang ditujuinya itu.”
( Hadith riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim )
If we study because of Him, we will much more less feel down whenever we don't achieve something good enough for us. We will not have studying as a burden, In fact, we will feel much more at peace and organized. The knowledge we learn, will not only last until exams, but also for the rest of our lives. We will be able to carry out all the theories we've learned and will definitely benefit not only ourselves as individuals, but also raise the name of muslims. Beside that, when we do something sincerely because of Him, whatever the outcome turn out to be, we would always be ready and 'redha' with whatever He has prepared for us. Don't cry, don't whine, don't complain. Our job is to do our best, to work hard towards it, but the result, already stated in the books of our lives.
"Kita, manusia, hanya merancang. Tetapi Allah yang menentukan."
Everything that we do if included intention for Him, reward will be rewarded. Should have the intention to learn for the sake of Allah's blessing. Learn for the sake of being an excellent in the eyes of of Islam.
fighting >.<